Privacy & cookies

Your privacy is important to us

We recognise that when you visit our site and provide us with personal information, you trust that we will act responsibly and keep your information secure and confidential.

1. Purpose of this notice

This notice describes how we collect and use personal data about you. In the UK this will be in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

2. About us

Price Bailey LLP is an accountancy and business advisory firm. We are registered in England and Wales as a limited liability partnership under number: OC307551 and our registered office is at Causeway House, 1 Dane Street, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM23 3BT.

Our group also includes the following entities:

Price Bailey Group Limited (registered in England & Wales, number 04615377)

Price Bailey Private Client LLP (registered in England & Wales, number OC237009)

Price Bailey Mayfair LLP, (registered in England & Wales, number OC366511)

Price Bailey Group Limited (registered in England & Wales, number 04615377)

For the purpose of the Data Protection Legislation and this notice, one or more of the above entities is the ‘data controller’ (and “we”, “us”, “our” and “ours” in this notice refer to any of those entities). This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal data about you. We are required under the Data Protection Legislation to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice.

In most cases it will be clear which entity is the data controller with respect to your personal data (for example because your contract is with that entity), however if you have any queries about this please contact our Data Protection point of contact: Catherine Hardinge, Compliance Partner, [email protected].
Our Data Protection Point of Contact is responsible for assisting with enquiries in relation to this privacy notice or our treatment of your personal data.

3. Data retention period

Our general policy is to hold data for fifteen years. This applies to all categories of personal data unless a shorter or longer period is specified in respect of particular categories of data. However for existing clients where the information may be required or relevant to future periods the information may be held for longer.

4. What types of personal data we hold and how we collect and use that data

The types of personal data that we hold and how we collect and use that data vary according to our relationship with the person whose data it is (the ‘data subject’). Details in respect of each type of data subject are given in the links below:

5. Data sharing

Why might we share your personal data with third parties?

We will share your personal data with third parties where we are required by law or regulation, where it is necessary in the provision of services to our clients, or for administration purposes or where we have another legitimate reason in doing so.

Which third-party service providers process my personal data?

“Third parties” includes third-party service providers and other entities within our group. The following activities are carried out by third-party service providers: IT and cloud services, recruitment software, professional advisory services, and banking services. All of our third-party service providers are required to take commercially reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. We only permit our third-party service providers to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

What about other third parties?

We may share your personal data with other third parties, for example in the context of the possible sale or restructuring of the business. We may also need to share your personal data with a regulator, professional body, or an external quality control reviewer or to otherwise comply with the law. In the case of the external quality control reviewers, they are not allowed to use or share your data with anyone else.

Secure data transfers

Where we transmit data via a secure portal or secure e-mail service the data is stored on servers located in the UK maintained by iManage (portal) or Mimecast (e-mail), such data may include personal data. We remain data controllers in respect of this data and iManage/Mimecast only process it for the purposes of transmitting it to or from us.

A summary of security relating to the iManage servers can be found at iManage have confirmed that their UK servers are compliant with GDPR and we only use their UK servers.

A summary of security relating to the Mimecast servers can be found at Mimecast have confirmed that their UK servers are compliant with GDPR and we only use their UK servers.

If you use the secure portal or secure e-mail service to transmit data to or from us you will be required to set a user name and password directly with iManage/Mimecast. Data supplied in setting this up will be held by iManage/Mimecast and will be dealt with in accordance with their privacy policy, a link to this will be supplied to you at that time.

6. Transferring personal data outside of the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Economic Area (EEA)

Except as noted below or where specifically requested by you, we will not transfer the personal data that we collect about you outside the UK and the EEA.

Where you have chosen to use the MiPB app personal data may be transferred to service providers who provide elements of this service on our behalf. These providers may transfer this data to sub-processors outside the UK and the EEA.

In such cases this will either be to a country in respect of which there is an adequacy decision by the European Commission or, if there is not an adequacy decision by the European Commission in relation to it, they will put in place measures to ensure that your personal data is treated by those third parties in a way that is consistent with and which respects the Data Protection Legislation.

Where a client asks us to introduce them to a service provider outside the UK and the EEA and have instructed us to transfer personal data to them, we will make this transfer in accordance with their instructions.

Where a client is managed outside the UK and the EEA or is part of a group which is managed outside the UK and EEA and they have instructed us to transfer personal data in connection with our engagement with them, we will make the transfer in accordance with these instructions. In such cases this will either be to a country in respect of which there is an adequacy decision by the European Commission or, if there is not an adequacy decision by the European Commission in relation to it, under the terms of a contract to ensure that your personal data is treated in a way that is consistent with and which respects the Data Protection Legislation.

7. MiPB app

The MIPB app provides access to various third party services. If we make this service available to you and you choose to access it, in accessing those services you will be subject to the terms and conditions of the third party suppliers, which they will provide to you when you set up your account.

Access to the MiPB app is provided on the basis of your agreement to the data sharing as set out in your engagement letter, including where relevant the sharing of personal data, required to deliver those services.
The privacy policies of the third party suppliers may be found at:

Service Supplier Privacy policy

Xero – Xero Limited –
Receipt Bank – Receipt Bank Limited –
Futrli – Hamy Limited –

The suppliers’ privacy policies explain how the suppliers handle and store personal information and protect your privacy. Please read the suppliers’ privacy policies carefully. Importantly, the suppliers’ privacy policies detail how and why the suppliers may make available your data to service providers based outside the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area.

8. Business systems support

Our business systems support teams may, at the invitation of clients using their services, remotely access the systems of such clients using the Go To Assist screen sharing service. Such sessions will always be initiated by the client. Such sessions will not normally involve accessing personal data.

In some cases copies of data may be sent to the Business Systems team so that they can provide support, this data may in some cases contain personal information. Such data is held for as long as is necessary for the support query to be address and will normally be deleted within eighteen months.

Where applicable the sections of this privacy notice relating to ‘Personal clients and persons associated with corporate clients’ and ‘Other individuals whose personal data we obtain in the course of providing services to our clients’ apply to personal data obtained in the course of providing business systems support.

9. Identity verification

In common with other professional services firms, we are required to identify and verify the identity of our clients, including any beneficial ownership, for the purposes of the UK anti-money laundering regulations (AMLRs). As part of this we obtain copies of various documents and information from individual clients and from individuals associated with our clients.

One of the methods used to verify identity is through  Yoti via their secure web portal, however we can verify identity in other ways if individuals prefer not to use  this method. Further details can be found at

If individuals choose to verify their identity through the Yoti portal they will need to agree to their terms and will be subject to their privacy policy, which can be found at We will supply Yoti with the individual’s email address but no other data. Following the review by Yoti we will receive a report containing copies of the submitted documents and reports on checks that Yoti have made against databases. We will process this report in accordance with the relevant privacy policy below.

10. Data security

We have put in place commercially reasonable and appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to our employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.

11. Rights to access, correction, erasure and restriction

Your duty to inform us of changes

It is important that the personal data we hold is accurate and current. Should your personal information that you have supplied to us change, please notify us of any changes of which we need to be made aware by informing your usual Price Bailey contact.

Your rights in connection with personal data

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data. This enables you to receive details of the personal data we hold about you and to check that we are processing it lawfully.
  • Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you.
  • Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).
  • Object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this basis. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
  • Request the transfer of your personal data to you or another data controller if the processing is based on consent, carried out by automated means and this is technically feasible.

If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please email Catherine Hardinge, Compliance Partner, at [email protected].

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

12. Right to withdraw consent

In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data for a specific purpose (for example, in relation to direct marketing that you have indicated you would like to receive from us), you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please email our data protection point of contact [email protected].

Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your personal information (personal data) for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in law.

13. Changes to this notice

We will keep this privacy statement under regular review and any changes will be shown on this web page.

This privacy notice was last updated on 17 May 2024.

14. Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this notice or if you would like to speak to us about the manner, in which we process your personal data, please email Catherine Hardinge, Compliance Partner, at [email protected].

You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues, at any time. The ICO’s contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone – 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745
Website –


Personal clients and persons associated with corporate clients

Who do we collect information about?

We collect information about clients who are individuals, about the owners of our clients, about the management of our clients and about persons connected with our clients who we interact with in the course of our work (for example we may have contact details for various people within the finance department of our audit clients who provide us with information during the course of our work).

What personal information do we collect?

It is our policy only to collect the personal information which is required for our work. In some cases this may mean that the only personal information that we hold is contact information and details of any communications with that person, but in other cases this may include:

  • Financial information
  • Information about business activities
  • Information about family or business relationships
  • Information about marketing activities

What is the source of this information?

This information is usually supplied by clients, but may also be supplied by third parties who have been authorised by clients or from publicly available information.

How do we use this data?

We may use this data to carry out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between our clients and us (for example in providing tax advice to personal clients).

In addition we may use this data in managing our relationships with our clients and in providing to our clients information about our services or other information that we consider may be of interest to them.

The basis for this processing is the contracts that we have with our clients, legal obligations and/or that such processing is necessary for our or our clients’ legitimate interests.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected, including any retention period required by laws or regulations, in most cases we will hold the information for fifteen years.

Other individuals whose personal data we obtain in the course of providing services to our clients

Who do we collect information about?

The services that we provide to our client sometimes require us to collect personal information about other individuals (for example where we provide payroll services we will be provided with the personal information about the employees of our client necessary to deliver this service or where we are auditing a client we may need to obtain personal information about employees in order to verify the wages figures in their accounts).

What is the source of this information?

This information is usually supplied by clients, but may also be supplied by third parties who have been authorised by clients (for example other payroll providers).

What personal information do we collect?

It is our policy only to collect the personal information which is required for our work. This may include:

  • Salary details
  • Bank account details
  • Addresses
  • Investments and other financial details
  • Details about people meeting the definition of related parties of our clients (for example close family of directors)
  • Other personal details required to provide our services

The GDPR identifies personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation as special categories of personal data.

We would not normally receive such data, but may do so where this is necessary for our work (for example in processing a payroll on behalf of a client we may be instructed which employees should have trade union subscriptions deducted).

How do we use this data?

We may use this data to carry out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between our clients and us (for example in providing audit reports on our clients’ accounts).

Data obtained in this way will only be used to the extent necessary to provide these services. We will not use it for any other purpose. In particular we will not use it for marketing purposes.

The basis for this processing is the contracts that we have with our clients, legal obligations and/or that such processing is necessary for our or our clients’ legitimate interests.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected, including any retention period required by laws or regulations or by our regulators, in most cases we will hold the information for fifteen years.

Business contacts

Who do we collect information about?

We also collect information about business contacts other than personal clients and persons associated with corporate clients.

What is the source of this information?

This information is provided by the business contacts themselves, usually at exhibitions and events, networking groups and other meetings involving Price Bailey employees and Partners. We also obtain contact lists of businesses from third parties.

What personal information do we collect?

In the case of business contacts we collect information necessary for our communications with them. This may include:

  • Contact details
  • Business details

How do we use this data?

We may use this data to communicate with contacts about possible business opportunities, our range of professional services, sharing insight and to invite them to events.

The basis for this processing is either the consent of the contacts themselves or legitimate business interest. This consent may be withdrawn at any time (see the contact us section of the privacy policy for details of who to contact).

Some marketing activities are conducted in association with Prospect Global Ltd (trading as, using data obtained from them. We do not share personal data collected by us with them.

Where this is the case it will be made clear in any marketing materials. For the purposes of such activities we act as joint data controllers with Prospect Global Ltd, whose privacy policy can be found at: . The basis for this processing is legitimate business interest. In the course of these marketing activities Prospect Global Ltd may transfer this data to processors outside the UK and the EEA as set out in their privacy policy.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected. For business contacts the data is retained for at least as long as we have a business relationship with them.

Our employees and partners

Current employees and partners should refer to the Employees and Partners Privacy Notice on PB Online.

Recruitment applicants

Who do we collect information about?

We collect personal data about applicants for a position with a Price Bailey Group entity.

What is the source of this information?

The principal source of this information is the applicants themselves, however we may also collect information from the following third parties:

  • Recruitment agencies, from which we collect the following categories of data: the applicant’s personal details including name, telephone number, address, right to work confirmation, current salary, required salary, notice period, exam transcript (if relevant), employment experience, any fee clawback details.
  • Disclosure and Barring service in respect of criminal convictions, if relevant to the role.
  • Named referees, from whom we collect the following categories of data: name, employer name, job title and dates of previous employment.
  • Verifile, who carry out pre-employment screening, from which we collect the following categories of data (depending on role applied for):
    • Personal details including name, date of birth, nationality, gender, address (including previous addresses), telephone numbers.
    • Whether registered on electoral roll, number of different lenders providing credit information, if listed on the telephone database, any court and insolvency information.
    • Employment history.
    • Academic qualifications.
    • Details of professional membership and qualification obtained including professional work experience and details of any disciplinary action.
    • Credit information including number of adverse records, number of satisfied adverse records, total value of CCJs, date of latest adverse record, number of bankruptcy orders, number of voluntary arrangements, number of notices of correction, number of previous searches, verification of current address.
    • Details of directorships, including if been disqualified.
    • Details of any match following Global Fraud and Sanctions search.
  • Publicly available information including name, job title, dates of employment, employment history, email address, phone number.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect information necessary to evaluate individuals for employment with Price Bailey. This may include:

  • Any information provided during an interview.
  • The information provided to us in any application form or curriculum vitae and any covering letter including name, title, address, telephone number, personal email address, date of birth, gender, employment history and experience, current salary, confirmation of work eligibility, qualifications and references.
  • Results from any assessment days, if required, and/ or exam transcripts.
  • Information collected from Verifile, any recruitment agencies and referees (see section above).

We may also collect, store and use the following types of more sensitive personal information:

  • Information about an applicant’s race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation.
  • Information about an applicant’s health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records.
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences.

How do we use this data?

We will use the personal information we collect to:

  • Assess an applicant’s skills, qualifications and suitability for the role.
  • Carry out background and reference checks, where applicable.
  • Communicate with the applicant about the recruitment process.
  • Keep records related to our hiring processes.
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

It is in our legitimate interests to decide whether to appoint an applicant to the role since it would be beneficial to our business to appoint someone to that role.

We also need to process an applicant’s personal information to decide whether to enter into contract of employment with them.

If an applicant fails to provide personal information when requested, which is necessary for us to consider their application (such as evidence of qualifications or work history), we will not be able to process the application successfully. For example, if we require a credit check or references for this role and an individual fails to provide us with relevant details, we will not be able to take the application further.

How we use particularly sensitive personal information

We will use particularly sensitive personal information in the following ways:

  • We will use information about an applicant’s disability status to consider whether we need to provide appropriate adjustments during the recruitment process, for example whether adjustments are needed to be made to any assessment or interview.
  • We will use information about an applicant’s race or national or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, or sexual life or sexual orientation, to ensure meaningful equal opportunity monitoring and reporting.

Information about criminal convictions

We envisage that we will process information about criminal convictions. The level of the check depends on the role an applicant is applying for. The applicant will be notified as part of the recruitment process the required level of the criminal conviction check.

We will collect information about an applicant’s criminal convictions history if we would like to offer the role (conditional on checks and any other conditions, such as references, being satisfactory). We are required to carry out a criminal record check in order to satisfy ourselves that there is nothing in an applicant’s criminal convictions history which makes them unsuitable for the role.  In particular we will collect criminal conviction history where;

  • We are legally required by the ICAEW and other regulator bodies to carry out criminal record checks for those carrying out particular roles;
  • To comply with our client’s requirements to enable an individual to carry out specific roles; or
  • To ensure an individual is fit and proper to carry out the role.

We have in place an appropriate policy document and safeguards which we are required by law to maintain when processing such data.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected.

If an applicant becomes an employee of Price Bailey their personal information will be retained in accordance with the policies for our employees and partners (see section above on ‘Our Employees and Partners’).

If an applicant does not become an employee of Price Bailey their personal data will no longer be kept unless they consent for us to do so for the purposes of notifying them of future vacancies.

Work experience applicants

Who do we collect information about?

We collect personal information about individuals who are applying for a work experience placement and those who are undertaking a work experience placement with us.

What is the source of this information?

Primarily we will collect personal information about work experience applicants from the individual themselves. We may on occasion also collect it from the individual’s educational establishment or any referees or person who has requested that we provide the individual with a work experience placement.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect the following information:

  • Information provided on an application form and any covering letter or curriculum vitae , including name, title, address, telephone number, personal email address, date of birth, gender, employment history, education, qualifications.
  • Any information provided during any interview, if applicable.
  • Any information provided during the course of the work experience placement with us, including the individual’s use of our systems and email and work undertaken for us.

In connection with an individual’s application for a work experience placement and during the work experience placement, we will collect, store and use the following categories of sensitive personal data:

  • Information about the individual’s race or ethnicity, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.
  • Information about the individual’s health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records.

How we will use this data?

We will use the personal information collected to:

  • Assess the individual’s skills, qualifications, and suitability for a work experience placements.
  • Communicate with the individual about their work experience placement.
  • Keep records related to the work experience placement.
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

It is in our legitimate interests to ascertain your suitability for a work experience placement since it would be beneficial to our business to offer work experience placements.

Having received an individual’s application form or curriculum vitae and any covering letter, we will then process that information to decide whether an individual meets the basic requirements to be offered a vacation placement.

If an individual fails to provide information when requested, which is necessary for us to consider their application, we will not be able to process the application successfully.

How we use particularly sensitive personal information

We will use particularly sensitive personal information in the following ways:

  • We will use information about an individual’s disability status to consider whether we need to provide appropriate adjustments for any interview or during the work experience placement, for example whether adjustments are needed to be made whilst undertaking the placement with us.
  • We will use information about an individual’s race or national or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, or sexual life or sexual orientation, to ensure meaningful equal opportunity monitoring and reporting.

Information about criminal convictions

For the purposes of work experience placements, we do not envisage that we will require information relating to criminal offences and convictions.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected.

If an individual is successful in applying for a work experience placement, we will retain their personal information for a period of 6 months following the end of their work experience placement.

If an individual is unsuccessful in applying for a work experience placement, we will retain their personal information for a period of 6 months after we have communicated our decision to them.

Our suppliers

Who do we collect information about?

We collect personal information about our suppliers (where these are individuals) and persons associated with them (for example our relationship manager at a supplier).

What is the source of this information?

The source of this information is the suppliers themselves.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect the information necessary to manage our relationships with our suppliers. This may include:

  • Contact details
  • Business activities
  • Bank details

How do we use this data?

We use this data to manage our relationships with our suppliers.

The basis for this processing is the contracts that we have with our suppliers, legal obligations and/or that such processing is necessary for our legitimate interests.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected. For suppliers such data will be held for at least as long as we have a business relationship with them.

Users of our website

Who do we collect information about?

We collect personal data about users of our website if they choose to provide this information to us. In addition we collect some limited personal data via the use of cookies on our website.

What is the source of this information?

The data is provided by users of the website if they choose to do so.

What personal information do we collect?

The principal information that is collected is the contact details provided by the website user however, depending on the nature of the submission other personal information may be provided.

How do we use this data?

Data is used in order to respond to communications from the users of the website. In some cases users will sign up to services which will result in them becoming business contacts, in which case their data will be used in accordance with the ‘Business Contacts’ section of this policy.

Data is processed on the basis of the consent of the website user, which is given when the data is provided.

How long do we retain this data for?

We will retain personal data in accordance with our data retention policy for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it is collected.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file written to the hard drive when a visitor accesses a website, it contains information about their actions on the website. Most web browsers allow users to opt out of receiving cookies, however you may find that some features of the website are impaired if you do this.

If you do not know what cookies are, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit for detailed guidance.

How we use Cookies

We use a number of different cookies on our site. The list below describes the cookies we use on this site and what we use them for.

You have the choice as to whether you accept our standard balanced cookies or whether you want to use the private settings or personalise.

If you are not happy for any cookies, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.)

If you want to amend your setting at any time you can by clicking on the cookie icon bottom left of the screen.

Cookie Policy of

Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the Owner in providing the Service according to the purposes described. Some of the purposes for which Cookies are installed may also require the User’s consent. Where the installation of Cookies is based on consent, such consent can be freely withdrawn at any time following the instructions provided in this document.

Cookies we use


Visitors to our office

Who do we collect information about?

We collect data about who is present in our offices.

What is the source of this information?

Information is provided by the visitors when they sign in on our electronic register of who is present in our office.

What personal information do we collect?

The information collected is:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Car registration number (for offices with car parking)

How do we use this data?

Data is used to manage the security of our offices, for fire safety and to manage our office car parking.

The basis for this processing is that such processing is necessary for our legitimate interests and/or to comply with legal obligations.

How long do we retain this data for?

Data is retained for one day only.

Data collection by others

Some of our offices are in properties which are managed by others. The managers of these properties may collect personal data for their own purposes (for example by marinating a register of visitors to the property of by use of CCTV systems). Price Bailey is not the data controller with regard to such information.

Photography etc

When attending any events organised or sponsored by Price Bailey, photography, video and audio recording may occur. The firm reserves the right to use any such material without the expressed written permission of those included and to use it for promotional purposes. If you desire not to be included please contact the marketing team in writing and outline your intentions. We are more than happy to liaise with you and try to make arrangements so you can attend on your conditions.

We reserve the right to change, modify, or update this statement at any time without notice.


The information contained on our website is of a general nature and not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Whilst we have made an effort to provide accurate and up to date information, it is recommended that you consult us before taking or refraining from taking action based on matters discussed.
