Charities team: Seminar slides

Download your copy of our seminar slides

Our Charities team regularly host seminars and events to share their expertise amongst those within the industry. Details of some of our latest events, including resources which can be downloaded, can be found below.

Should you have any questions regarding any of the details held within these slides, please use the form below to contact one of our team…

May 2024

‘Effective Governance in the modern charity’, seminar slides are now available!

Experts at Price Bailey hosted three fantastic seminars in London, Cambridge and Norwich.

The seminar was split into the following two sessions:

Session 1 – Good decision making and governance
Session 2 – Effective financial reporting that empowers decision making and delivery of strategy

Session one looked at effective decision making and governance to ensure that you are empowered, relevant and impactful. We addressed common failings, mission focus and holistic service delivery and strategy. Session two focused on timely financial reporting, emphasising agility, important financial metrics and outline the key elements of good financial reporting.

Please find the slides from the seminar below.

Session 1 – Good decision making and governance

Session 2 – Effective financial reporting that empowers decision making and delivery of strategy

Download: Session 1 – Good decision making and governance slides
Download: Session 2 – Effective financial reporting slides

September 2023

‘Accounting, Audit, Tax, and Vat update seminar’, slides are now available!

Experts at Price Bailey hosted three fantastic seminars in London, Cambridge and Norwich. The session covered a wide range of topics, including the latest on audit, accounting, tax, and VAT issues, governance, the next Charity SORP, key Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator updates and the latest topical issues and how these will impact your organisation. In addition, our in house employment law specialists gave an update on important issues affecting the sector.

The seminar was split into the following two sessions:

Session 1 – Audit, Accounting and general sector round up
Session 2 – Update on Tax and VAT and Employment Law update 

Please find the slides from the seminar below.

Session 1 – Audit, Accounting and general sector round up

Session 2 – Update on Tax and VAT and Employment Law update 

Download: Session 1 – Audit, Accounting and general sector round up slides
Download: Session 2 – Update on Tax and VAT and Employment Law update slides

June 2023

Our webinar, ‘Income and volunteering challenges in the charity sector in 2023′, is now available on demand.

Price Bailey partnered with The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) for a webinar that provided invaluable information on the trends in income and volunteering in the charity charity sector and the challenges and the challenges that charities face in 2023 as a result.

As charities look to generate income and grow or maintain their volunteers to try and keep costs down, it is important to understand the wider economic climate and trends in this regard to inform your strategic thinking.

You can find a copy of the webinar recording and slides below.

Webinar slides

Download slides

If you have any questions following the content discussed in this webinar and if you would like to discuss these with one of our experts you can content them using the form below.


May 2023

‘Governance, building resilience and managing risk!’,  slides are now available!

Experts at Price Bailey hosted three fantastic seminars across our London, Norwich and Cambridge offices. These sessions looked at how the Board needs to manage the organisation in current times, and how effective communication is critical to decision making and steering your charity through the challenges of 2023. The seminar was split into the following two sessions:

Session 1 – Governance and leadership

This session considered the role of leadership in managing organisations and delivering on a strategy which may need revision and change. In times of crisis, it is strong and effective leadership that solves the challenges facing their organisations. Effective communication throughout the organisation with the right ‘tone from the top’ helps build a strong culture, empower the team and bring about effective change. It is more important than ever that you have the right governance processes and structures in place. We will challenge you to look at your organisation and assess your strengths and weaknesses and how you may need to change.

Session 2 – Risks and building resilience

This session looked at the critical risks facing charities in 2023, from decreasing income to increasing costs and the ways that charities should be managing these risks for effective decision making. Should you be spending reserves? How can you budget forecast and make informed decisions in such challenging times? What other imminent changes in the legislation, the sector and government need to be factored into this planning? And what support is out there for charities to tap into?


Session 1 – Governance and leadership

Session 2 – Risks and building resilience 


Download Governance and leadership slides

Download Risks and building resilience slides

November 2022

Our experts at Price Bailey hosted three fantastic charities sector round-up seminars across our London, Norwich and Cambridge offices.

Our sessions were packed full with important charity sector updates from Helena WilkinsonMichael Cooper-DavisSarah Murphy and Suzanne Goldsmith. Our seminars covered a wide range of topics, including the latest on audit, accounting, tax, and vat issues, governance, the next Charity SORP, key Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator updates and the latest topical issues and how these will impact your organisation. We hope you found this helpful and insightful.

We would like to thank everyone who was able to attend our seminars, it was fantastic to welcome you all back to our in person update seminars. If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry, we have you covered. You can find a copy of the seminar slides below.


Seminar slides

Update on Charity Accounting and Audit

Update on Tax, VAT and Employment issues

If you would prefer you can download a copy of the slides below.

We had three really interactive sessions where we were able to answer a lot of questions. If you would like to ask any further questions or discuss any topics with one of our experts you can do so using our form down below.


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We always recommend that you seek advice from a suitably qualified adviser before taking any action. The information in this article only serves as a guide and no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of this material can be accepted by the authors or the firm.

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