Management buyout services

Helping you plan and raise finance for transferring a business

Behind you as you make your move

If you’re considering a buy-out, you’ll know it can be a life-changing experience. Like anything worthwhile, there are hurdles to overcome, but we’re here to help ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Our team advise on over a dozen management buy-outs every year – spanning many different sectors. These deals are frequently funded through a combination of new lenders, vendor assistance, and private equity. 

We work very closely with you at all stages of the transaction, acting as lead advisors through to completion and beyond. No matter how many updates and meetings it takes, we’re available – for you, your colleagues and other professional advisers.

Throughout the whole buy-out or buy-in process, you’ll have our support:

Helping you with your feasibility plan and initial documentation:

This might involve preparing a short synopsis of the type of deal you want to structure, along with your funding requirements and some brief historic and projected financials. We can also make recommendations and highlight any potential concerns with the proposed structure or obtaining approval from HMRC.

Introducing you to lenders and helping you present your case:

We can help you prepare a business plan, including detailed financial forecasts for at least 24 months, to present to any funder. We can also illustrate a number of possible deal structures to help identify the most affordable and efficient solution.

Managing and negotiating the purchase process:

We can help you present the preferred deal structure to the current directors or shareholders. This might also involve preparing and negotiating heads of terms.

Advising on complex legal, accounting, tax and banking aspects:

As part of this, we help you identify the most suitable structure and acquisition vehicle to complete the proposed transaction. We can also apply to HMRC for the relevant tax clearances on your behalf.

Implementing and completing the process:

Once the transaction is agreed, we can support you through the whole implementation and completion phase. As the business transfers, we ensure everything goes smoothly.

Creating a scalable structure:

Our team will ensure that the transaction creates as much value as possible, whether you would like to make further acquisitions, expand internationally, or provide key staff with share options. 

If you are planning a management buyout, you can read more about advantages and process of doing so in our  ‘‘how do I plan a management buyout?’ page.

Corporate finance services are provided by Price Bailey LLP. For details about our regulatory status, see

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